Co-founder and Managing Partner at JP Weber, Dr Dudarski has been managing the company’s legal practice for 20 years. An attorney at law, and the author of a PhD dissertation on cross-border transfers of capital company registered offices, as well as numerous publications on company law. He is a member of the Regional Chamber of Attorneys at Law in Wrocław. His area of expertise encompasses investment and reorganisation processes of businesses in Poland. He advises clients on various aspects of investing, restructuring of capital groups, corporate disputes, concluding agreements, and regulatory issues. He specialises in providing services to companies from the manufacturing sector hailing from electromobility, as well as the energy and real estate industries. For a number of years, he has been collaborating closely with investors operating within Special Economic Zones. As a partner managing the Korean Desk team, he has participated in economic missions in countries including Korea and Japan held in collaboration with public institutions, which has consolidated his position as a competent advisor providing consultancy to investors from Asian countries.