JP Weber in numbers

JP Weber in numbers

JP Weber

We are an independent advisory company.

For over 20 years we have been supporting decision-makers and business owners in transactions and investments as well as in their daily business, legal, and tax challenges.

JP Weber


years of experience in transactions and investments.


We are trusted by more than 1000 Clients. 


M&A advisors, financial & business experts, lawyers and tax advisors.
Jesteśmy współzałożycielem Eight International

We are co-founder of Eight International

a global organisation of independent advisors in transactions, restructuring, and transformation advisory services, a member of M&A Worldwide – an international network of M&A advisors, as well as a member of the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association.

See also

Always up to date.

Our experts share their knowledge on a daily basis. We invite you to read our articles, reports, and alerts.